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Would you like to advertise your band's site, new album, upcoming tour or festival? Or have any ad that you think would be good to put on our site. If so, please fill out the form below. Payments are made via PayPal. Pricing is listed to the right. And we never have more than 10 banner ads in rotation at any one time.

If you interested, please fill out the form with information about your ad below and we'll get back to you soon.

We can also design your banner ad for you. Ask us for more details.

Your Name:
Where are you from?:
Ad Size:
How long? (optional)
Your Email:
Phone: (optional)
Ad details/info:

Thanks, The Management

P.O. Box 225
Hoboken, NJ 07030

(ads should less than 40k in file size)
  • full banner ads are put into rotation and are shown on the top most visible place on most pages of our site
  • square and skyscapper ads are displayed on certain pages only
468x60 pixel ad $20/month
(full banner) $50/quarter
125x125 pixel ad $10/month
(square banner) $25/quarter
160x600 pixel ad $10/month
(skyscrapper) $25/quarter